Showing category "Food and Health" (Show all posts)

Diet Chart for you..

Posted by Mrs.Ajitha.U on Tuesday, March 13, 2012, In : Food and Health 
Here we are with Dieting Tips and charts. Dieting means following a pre-designed pattern of food intake in order to attain certain specific short-term goals. Dieting must not be confused with a more basic and thorough concept of diet regulation whereby one tries to shape one's general habit of nutritional intake so as to derive long term health benefits. Healthy eating, dieting and food fads - there are articles in nearly every newspaper and magazine. But often the messages are confli...

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Puthucode Pulinkari

Posted by P.R.Ramachander on Tuesday, March 13, 2012, In : Food and Health 
Puthucode Kovil Pulungari/ Pulinkari
Pumpkin 150 g, Yam 150 g, Ash gourd 150 g, Plantains 50 g,Raw rice 10 g, tur dhal 25 g, dried chillies 3, Fenugreek (Mentha) 5 g, Tamarind 50 g, Coconut (shredded) 25 g, Mustard 2 g, green chillies 5 g, Jaggery 20 g, curry leaves, Coconut oil 25 g and some quantity of curry leaves and salt to taste.
1.Cut and cook Ah gourd and yam together in a cooker
2.Also cook Tur dal in the cooker
3. Cut and boil pumpkin and plantains
4. fry rice till they pop and po...
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